- slip one's mind
- выскочить/вылететь из головы
I meant to ask him if he could come to the party, but it slipped my mind.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов. 2013.
I meant to ask him if he could come to the party, but it slipped my mind.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов. 2013.
slip one's mind — {v. phr.} To forget something. * /I meant to mail those letters but it entirely slipped my mind./ … Dictionary of American idioms
slip one's mind — {v. phr.} To forget something. * /I meant to mail those letters but it entirely slipped my mind./ … Dictionary of American idioms
slip one's mind — • slip (out of) one s mind • slip (out of) one s memory be forgotten I m very sorry I didn t come and meet you last night. Our appointment totally slipped my mind. (from Idioms in Speech) to forget Perhaps you really have a friend called Merde… … Idioms and examples
slip one's mind — verb pass out of one s memory • Syn: ↑slip • Derivationally related forms: ↑slip (for: ↑slip) • Hypernyms: ↑forget, ↑block, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
slip\ one's\ mind — v. phr. To forget something. I meant to mail those letters but it entirely slipped my mind … Словарь американских идиом
slip out of one's mind — • slip (out of) one s mind • slip (out of) one s memory be forgotten I m very sorry I didn t come and meet you last night. Our appointment totally slipped my mind. (from Idioms in Speech) to forget Perhaps you really have a friend called Merde… … Idioms and examples
slip one's memory — • slip (out of) one s mind • slip (out of) one s memory be forgotten I m very sorry I didn t come and meet you last night. Our appointment totally slipped my mind. (from Idioms in Speech) to forget Perhaps you really have a friend called Merde… … Idioms and examples
slip\ out\ of\ one's\ mind — v. phr. To forget something. I meant to mail those letters but it entirely slipped my mind … Словарь американских идиом
slip — slip1 [slip] vi. slipped, slipping [ME slippen < MLowG, akin to OHG slifan < IE * (s)leib , to glide, slip < base * (s)lei , slimy: see SLIDE] 1. to go quietly or secretly; move without attracting notice [to slip out of a room] 2. a) to… … English World dictionary
slip out of one's memory — • slip (out of) one s mind • slip (out of) one s memory be forgotten I m very sorry I didn t come and meet you last night. Our appointment totally slipped my mind. (from Idioms in Speech) to forget Perhaps you really have a friend called Merde… … Idioms and examples
slip — slip1 slipless, adj. slippingly, adv. /slip/, v., slipped or (Archaic) slipt; slipped; slipping; n. v.i. 1. to move, flow, pass, or go smoothly or easily; glide; slide: Water slips off a smooth surface. 2. to slide suddenly or involuntarily; to… … Universalium